College Testing

Female teens at computer The process for students to receive accommodations in college is very different than the process used during their K-12 education. For example, individual education plans (IEP's) and 504 plans used in elementary, middle and/or high schools are discontinued upon graduation. They do not automatically follow a student like they previously have. Additionally, many colleges encourage or require that students have previous accommodations in order to receive college accommodations. As students have matured since their previous testing, these students often need to be retested prior to high school graduation, or at the beginning of their college career, in order to receive accommodations in college.  These students need comprehensive evaluation to carefully determine areas of strength and weakness.

Comprehensive evaluation includes the areas of general cognitive and information processing (i.e. intellectual abilities) and academic functioning. Results of these assessments are compared to see how well the student is performing given his or her areas of cognitive strength and weakness. Assessment measures are also completed by the parent and student to assess areas of emotional or social difficulty. Testing for attention and/or memory difficulties can also be completed during this process.

During these assessment sessions, students will sit at a table with the clinician while they complete each activity. They will use an iPad, will write in various workbooks, and answer questions that the clinician may ask. Some of the activities are challenging while others are easier. Breaks are taken whenever necessary. Clinicians strive to ensure the process is a positive experience for the teen. 

StepStone Psychological Assessment and Therapeutic Services provides assessments for College Testing in-person in our Boulder office, and online throughout the state of Colorado. Call (303)8100307 to schedule an appointment today!


Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash
Photo by NESA by Makers on Unsplash


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